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Louisville E03: Richie Arndt
Richie’s 2019 Kentucky Kickdown experience was fully immersive for everyone around – immersed in a mud bath that is – at the mud drag race. A sand paddle tire and no swing arm created an unstoppable situation including in the burn out box. If you know Richie, you know he doesn’t do anything half-assed and…
Louisville E03: The Pack Track
Janell and Stu Clarke have been traveling the world with their rescue pups for 10 years. These Australians have been to more than 100 countries and it was a slight miracle that our paths crossed in Louisville for the Storytelling event. They blah blah blahed their “watch this” story of how they got started and…
Louisville E03: Rob Haynes
Rob got a little more ‘watch this’ action than he bargained for when he donned the now infamous blue Care Bear onesie. After riding pillion in the burn out box behind a unicorn onesie, Rob exploded all over the internet and some even got on a couple exhaust pipes.
Louisville E03: Rebecca Kitto
Rebecca says, “I think with motorcycling, I don’t know what I’m doing and I still just do it. I just show up and I’m like I guess I’m doing this and I’m gonna live.” The best ‘watch this’ is the one you prove to yourself. Rebecca proves herself again and again. She is the kind…
Louisville E03: Walker Vaughn Ryderr
NSFW/18+ only: “…’76 when Frampton came alive, sex was safe, and motorcycles dangerous.” “…perhaps even death began with ‘hey, hold my beer and watch this’.” Author, Walker V Ryderr captivated the audience with the reading of his story “Far from the Tree” from his Baker’s Dozen Series. This NFSW story is perfect for the motorcycle…
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